Gold 47 Large scented candle

Discover the magic of fragrant moments with our Heaven & Hell Candles, inspired by Heaven & Hell Gin! Each gin in our exclusive collection now has its own unique candle. Let yourself be enchanted by fragrances and create the perfect atmosphere in your home.


2 in stock

SKU: 3830082060480 Categories: ,


Instructions for use

Always place candles on solid, fire-resistant surfaces that can withstand high temperatures. In any case, do not burn the candle for more than four hours and always extinguish it before it completely burns out.

It is important to extinguish the candle before it burns all the way down to prevent potential hazards. All of our candles are made from natural soy wax, which is completely safe for both the environment and your health.

For your safety and the safety of your little ones and pets, place candles out of their reach. Always ensure that candles are kept away from flammable objects and never left unattended while burning.

It is important to carefully follow the instructions for use to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience while burning candles.


Warnings and instructions for using our products.


Napotki so povzeti po slovenskem standardu SIST EN 15494:2008 • Sveča naj nikoli ne gori brez nadzora. • Gorečo svečo namestimo na podstavek, svečnik ali primerno posodo, stoji naj ravno in stabilno. • Goreče sveče ne  premikamo in ne nosimo po prostoru. • Goreča sveča mora biti vedno izven dosega  otrok ali domačih živali • Goreče sveče nikoli ne postavljamo na prepih, v bližino gorljivih snovi (zavese, papir ipd.) in naprav, ki oddajajo toploto (peči, el. aparati ipd.). • Goreče sveče naj se ne stikajo med seboj. Upoštevamo najmanjšo varnostno razdaljo, tj. 10 cm med posameznimi svečami. • Pred prižiganjem dolg stenj odrežemo na približno 1 cm. • Dogorelih vžigalic nikoli ne mečemo v staljen vosek. • Sveče nikoli ne ugašamo s pihanjem v plamen ali s tekočino, raje uporabimo zvonček za gašenje. • Svečo lahko ugasnemo tudi tako, da stenj (npr. s pomočjo kovinske palčke) potopimo v staljeni vosek in ga nato ponovno vzravnamo. 650g sveče – čas gorenja cca. 90 ur.

Kiss of lmmortality d.o.o., Velika Polana 151A, 9225 Velika Polana, Slovenia.